Ein junger Mann sortiert die fertig hergestellten Müller Milchreis Becher vom Fließband in Paletten.

About us

Strong, well-known brands that are popular with retailers and consumers, a desire for innovation and a constant forward-looking approach are what set us apart.

It's a pretty safe bet that everyone of us has one of our products on their table almost every day, whether as a dairy product, dressing or ingredient that we supply for other segments of the food industry, such as cheese for pizza or whey powder for baby food. We also shape the industry internationally - whether in the United Kingdom, Poland or Italy. In numerous segments, our products are number 1 in the market.

Also great success stories start out small.

Ein Traktor der Firma Muellermilch im 19. Jahrhundert.

Also great success stories start out small.

Founded in 1896, the company is still 100 percent family-owned today - with all the advantages this entails: Investments are not geared to short-term profit, but to long-term return.


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The Group in numbers

Ein Icon von drei Personen.



Ein Icon für Standorte.


Production sites

Ein Icon von einem LKW.

> 80 coun­tries


Ein Icon von einer Lupe.

9.2 bn €

Turnover (2023)


Ein Icon von Milchprodukten.


Founded in 1896 as a village dairy, we are now internationally positioned with numerous strong brands.


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Fish & Deli, Dressings & Sauces

Ein Icon von einem Fisch.

Fish & Deli, Dressings & Sauces

Well-known brands in the convenience food sector are also part of our Group.


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Logistics & Services

Ein Icon von einem LKW und einer Müllermilchflasche.

Logistics & Services

Packaging and logistics companies, automotive engineering and fruit processing: we cover the entire value chain.


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Plant-based Al­tern­at­ives

Ein Icon von zwei Getreideähren.

Plant-based Al­tern­at­ives

We offer a vegan alternative to anyone who wants to supplement their diet with plant-based products.


go to plant-based Alternatives

Our mile­stones

Ein Traktor der Firma Muellermilch im 19. Jahrhundert.


Ludwig Müller founds a dairy in Aretsried

Ein Icon von einer Milchpackung und einer Flasche Müller-Milch.


The ap­pren­ticed cheese­maker Alois Müller takes over

Ein Icon von drei Personen.


Takeover of the dairy with four em­ploy­ees by Theo Müller

Ein Icon von einem LKW und einer Müllermilchflasche.


Build-up of the Culina lo­gist­ics com­pany and the Op­tipack cup pro­duc­tion fa­cil­ity

Sachsenmilch Logo.


Takeover of Sach­sen­milch AG, fur­ther mar­ket entries

Weihenstephan Logo.


Ac­quis­i­tion of Mlékárna Pragolak­tos and Wei­hen­stephan

Zwei Müller Logos mit den Schriftzügen der Geschäftseinheiten Yogurt & Desserts und Milk & Ingredients.


Ex­pan­sion of the UK dairy and lo­gist­ics busi­ness, ex­pan­sion of deli & dress­ing busi­ness

Landliebe Logo.


Ac­quis­i­tion of Land­liebe, Pud­dis, Süd­milch and Mondelice brands from Friesland­Camp­ina

Our sites

The Unternehmensgruppe Theo Müller offers a very broad product portfolio that is developed, produced and distributed at several international locations.



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